這項附加功能使 C180 能夠有效地處理圓形物體,從而增強您的多功能性和易用性。
Marking the Anodized Aluminum Spring Hooks
由 MDF 和壓克力製成的復活節禮物。
GCC LaserPro 應用實驗室精心製作了復活節兔子禮物,讓您加入這一復活節潮流的興奮之中。
Cutting Foam inserts
LaserPro Engraver series to produce cutting foam inserts
THERMARK Applications
Using the CO2 laser to engrave on metals is practicable, as in our previous Showcase we had already exhibited applications using the CO2 laser to engrave on metals.
Make a Lampshade with Dithering Matrix Function
LaserPro Application Laboratory introduces the use of the built-in Dithering Matrix function in the driver to create a hollowed-out lampshade.
Cardboard Model with laser Engraving & Cutting
The Application Laboratory obtained 1.2mm thick cardboard for the experiment. By utilizing laser cutting and engraving, they created three-dimensional models.
GCC LaserPro應用實驗室引入了空白相片集,並使用激光雕刻機在這些空白皮革材料的封面上雕刻獨特的圖像。
3D Engraving on Marble
It utilizes different grayscale layers to generate varying laser energy, creating fascinating depth and shading effects. Anyone who has seen a 3D sample would undoubtedly be impressed by its stunning results.
Laser-Cut Wooden Miniatures
Cutting MDF panels generates smooth uniform cut edges due to the material’s structure.
Creating 3D Puzzles Using GCC Products
The UV printer will first print a color pattern and then cut it utilizing both the Bridge Cutting and SmartCENTER functions of the laser engraving machine, which ensures that the cut object remains intact and is easier to organize.