这一附加功能使 C180 能够有效地处理圆形物体,从而增强您的多功能性和易用性。
GCC LaserPro 应用实验室精心制作了复活节兔子礼物,让您加入到这一复活节潮流的兴奋之中。
LaserPro Engraver series to produce cutting foam inserts
LaserPro Application Laboratory introduces the use of the built-in Dithering Matrix function in the driver to create a hollowed-out lampshade.
The Application Laboratory obtained 1.2mm thick cardboard for the experiment. By utilizing laser cutting and engraving, they created three-dimensional models.
Cutting MDF panels generates smooth uniform cut edges due to the material’s structure.
The UV printer will first print a color pattern and then cut it utilizing both the Bridge Cutting and SmartCENTER functions of the laser engraving machine, which ensures that the cut object remains intact and is easier to organize.